
Writing about my life and things in it and what I think

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Bad to my Blog

I've been so neglictin my writing but my bro has been staying with us a lot and I just can't find the freedom to be online much.. not that much hasn't happened a ton has and a lot I felt at times I wanted to write about but been forced to express myself the old fashion way of writing in my bedroom .. I type 100 times faster then I can write but at least it got the job done. My son and Bro are leaving for Nashville in the morning a good 18 hour drive.. doing 1/2 tomorrow n the other on sunday. My bro seems to have came down with the same cold I have gotten and feels like shit.. hope he can drive OK my heads still fuzzy.. working 2nite was ok cuz I kept busy and I think once the medicine kicked in it helped a lot.

It was crazy 2nite.. can't describe why/what or anything but whatever I waited a lot.. with my bartending so kept me hoppin. Just knowing it's going to be rockin sat and sun nites.. I hope I kick this cold virus quick.. I told hubs I'll need extra zzz's tomorrow. But for now another short but sweet little write up.. until I finally have some me time.. but then I'm afraid with the kicking the smoking habit I will have to give up "my Time" and my computer time specially in the nights as it's usually when i smoke the most.. or enjoy it the most and something I do not want. Best get used to just going to bed... it's what I'll have to do to not smoke I think.. OK lots more I want to say/tell.. botherin me but best I don't start... :) Nite

Friday, May 23, 2003


I'm freaking out cuz my son rode up to fargo with my brother to pick up a last load of stuff as he's moving.. they called at 830 and told hubs they were leaving then.. it's now 2 hours later then the time they should've gotten here... so I'm wondering where can they be and my bro promised they be back by 10ish cuz his last day of school is tomorrow .. when he gets out at 11! But where can they be... get sick worried feelings.. and of course the thoughts they got into an accident.. or car broke down.. but if that happened they would've called by now if car broke down.. knowing I'd be worried sick. Tried to wake up hubs but he's dead to the world and totally unresponsive.. in that 1/2 dream like state. I feel like shit getting a cold.. I just want to sleep but can't until I see my son.. just not like them to be that late and only a 2hour drive and it's over 4 now.. Just hoping they will walk in the door any second.

I wanted to write about my bday.. but can't think of anything but where can they be? I don't even know who I'd call or to call.. think i hear a car door.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Happy BDay to Me!

Yeah it's my Bday I'm 30 Whoaaa... answered the door earlier n was delivery guy delivering me vase of flowers... 4's my fav number so sure that's why hubs sent me 4 red roses n 4 white carnations.. cuz red mixed with white equals pink.. which red is desire n flames of passion n white being pure n honest.. a mix of both.. me and him.. humm pretty! On the card it says Happy BDay.. I love you be ready by 530 for some fun! Hummm OK:) I just got outta the shower.. sopose i better get ready! May be back later but might be late night? I don't really know.. am I feeling older yeap... lol nooo .. OK bye for now

Monday, May 19, 2003

1 Hour n Counting

OK I've been crazy busy this past weekend! Wiped me out totally and all I did today was lay around.. well I did most the laundry and cleaned the bathroom n bedroom but other then that nothing. My brother left round 6 with him around I don't get on the puter at all.. OK So 1 Hour n Counting till my Bday... I was born at 12:36am CST on May 20th :) YEAH I'm old hehehe :) No but when you think that your 30... n all you've lived and done in 30 years.. wow it's a lot and then to think when your 1/2 way to 60 .. ya think jeez it's not even 1/2 over cuz be working the next 1/2 my life.. but then think of all the things to come :) Wow lots... Just reflecting on all I've done n did..

So guess what I got??? I finally went out and got myself a digital camera.. ok yeah so I spent way over what I wanted but hadda get everything.. might as well get it all at once n be done with it I figure.. and I'm happy! It's a sony.. not as small as the canon I wanted at 1st but I like this one better but the accessories n memory sticks are 300% more expensive but wth. So I took 50 some pictures today.. most of my kids.. n family.. my bro was my guinnie pig all last night. The camera also takes 90minutes of movies.. and clips in mpeg format.. it's awesome n i bought some dvd n movie editing software.. so I can use it as a digital movie maker as well.. cool camera really love it. Can't figure it all out yet .. lots to it.. been reading the manual n doing everything step by step.. and another reason i havn't been online.

So pictures are excellent 4.0Megapixels and huge.. can take 1543 some pictures on one of my memory sticks.. if I cut them down to website size.. 480X680 or something but the quality n zoom is crazy too so clear all the way in.. neat.. I took picture of my computer game n my sim... making a gnome.. she's a working sim here.. lol but I zoomed in after I already took the picture n see it's still clear of course I shrunk all my pictures for this website so they don't take so long to load. But it's neat you can take the picture.. then after zoom in and clip whatever you want.. and it's still clear.. neat feature.. you could zoom in with the zoom too I sopose then zoom in more i did that to hubs.. almost looked up his nose.. so close.. Funny

This picture is of the pizza we ordered tonight.. told ya I was lazy... if you click on it it will blow up so you can see how clear it is you will have to let it load but you will be able to see how clear it is even at 1/2 size.. .. i shrunk a little.. but so clear and pretty... but warning may make you hungry....

Click on This picture to see bigger picture.. Note: May make ya hungry

I took a bunch of outside pics too of stupid stuff... trying the different flashes at night n day n modes.. almost too complicated and the movie clips are great.. sound is there n picture amazing... i really like it so far. Just wish I could snap my fingers and have it all figured out. I love the DVD program/editor but will take me a week alone to figure that out.. and I also bought some other software that is a flip-book for photo's you can burn also or email or publish on the web to create albums of all your pictures.. i love that too.. but as the other program things I need more time to play with before I get into burning copies. Fun fun fun.. work work work.. called my mom told her she's like awesome yet still wants hard copies.. told her when I email them she can save them to a diskette and take them up to a photo-booth at like walmart or where n make copies whatever size n how many anytime.. or print them out or will print them n mail them to ya for like 23cents a piece too cheeper then what I pay for processing right now in town.. it's cool :)

OK I'm off to play some more. Gonna stay up till my Bday ... then again I'm always up at that time.. think I'll treat myself and have a bowl of ice cream with choc syrup mMmmMmm.. hehehe :)